Tuesday, September 01, 2009

"The broken clock is a comfort, it helps me sleep tonight
Maybe it can stop tomorrow, from stealing all my time."

I used to like Jason Wade.

"I'm falling apart, I'm barely breathing
with a broken heart, that's still beating."

exceedingly heart wrenching when it is used as a sountrack, especially in the movie adaptation of one of my favourite books.
So this is it, first day of september gone. Time, please stay longer.
Now let me retreat into my nerd shell and finish what's supposed to be finished.

1) i banged my head while taking a shower but it didn't hurt at all.
2) i'm getting there.
3) guys can get pregnant on facebook, or well, predicted to be.
4) i didn't realise that i was staring at the blinking cursor on the google search bar whilst listening to the background music playing for quite a long while

1 gnomes:

Johnny Swine said...
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