Thursday, April 15, 2010


What keeps me going after a long day (there are many, or two, variations as to a 'long day', it could either be satisfying or draining):-

1. God
2. reading stories after stories of people who are really out there doing something for Him
3. people (usually unnamed) doing kind deeds
4. just watching the world go by and realise my existence and purpose in this whole system

What kept me curious:

Watching this tough rough guy sitting alone in the food court, amidst the noisy crowd, and he lowered his head and said a long grace,

...then he opened his beer cans.

Tuesday, April 06, 2010

those yesterday feelings

this is me here, typing out paragraphs after paragraphs, 26 alphabets rearranged again and again to form meaning, albeit too much emotions. then i thought "maybe this should not be here", so i pressed 'delete' and this is what you see. typical?