Friday, December 25, 2009

street lamps

we could almost see what's coming, we talk about the structure, an idea, a plan. we use history, intellect, judgement. some are certained, some- wavering.

must there really be structure?
today was a day of sorts, so many Christmas moments, so many hearty laughs, warmth, punches, and reminder (do you still wonder at His birth? If yes, are you doing something- telling it to the world?), placing things down on our mind map, tracing the different paths we took or will be taking, weighing the consequences of each one not taken, putting a flag on our point of difference, mapping out our opportunity costs, realizing that things will never be the same.

life goes on, and on the 30th, it will be another milestone.

we took a long turn, and then the engine revved. the car steered away.

2 gnomes:

lilly said...

tiff! <3

hello : D (and there must be structure, haha)

enjoy your last few days of 2009 and everything else. i still read your blog and am very much inspired by it :)

tiffanywernyi said...

i still read your blog, but i can't read your protected posts =(