Wednesday, October 14, 2009

enclosed; opened

today i found out that oscar wilde is bisexual. he had a wife - charlotte lloyd, and yet he had an affair with alfred douglas.

today was like any other, but 7pm-8.30pm was brilliant. (go CR!)
it rained today and i was (sort of) trapped in the library. it was interesting to see the rain pouring heavily outside yet everything is so calm and silent in the library. you can almost hear the swishing wind but all you see is the square frames of rain, like muted tv sets put together in electronics stores. you can almost smell them too, almost.

2 gnomes:

-Ben Soo- said...

Wahhh!! Brilliant imagination Wei!! Never thought of it from that point of view before! Wahh! *applause applause!* =P can see that picture! =D

Anonymous said...

TIFF! Add a chat box or something. :)love, Jade.