Thursday, September 17, 2009


some light stuff,

i thought my arm looked so very disjointed
it's 18th of september today, my exam finishes on the 25th, that brings september to an end; then october would come, dragging along some reluctance but more happy findings; after that - november, she be spinning down the road with joy (WACE);

alas... we see december, climbing her long way up, and then, break into a smile.

6 gnomes:

Char said...

that picture=)

Natalie said...

PJK Tee. heh. nice drawing btw. rmb someone sitting beside you copying your drawings? (howie day --> happy day) lol.

tiffanywernyi said...

natty! thanks yes of course i rmb,funny much.
ah those good old f3 days, and singing in class with douglas, him doing all the b*tchy movements lol. yeah pjk tee, comfy to wear at home;)

Anonymous said...

hey~ PJ shirt.. i love that shirt!

tiffanywernyi said...

me too now, oddly =/

Anonymous said...

you are not human O_O *pokes arm*